Book Order

Each year in the fall we do a big book order for our learning commons.  We get our titles from a couple of different places:

1. We use the good reads recommendations for Middle Grades.  They also have other lists for Young Adult and there are so many lists for elementary age recommendations.

2. We look at the Newbery Medal and Honor books.

3. And last but not least is we ask the kids for recommendations.  We do this as an entire class and we ask the students to give us names of books that they would like us to put on the shelves in the Learning Commons and we also ask if there are books missing from a series. We don't always catch this. This year we also did a survey to help get some more ideas from those students that are not brave enough to talk about books in front of their friends.  We all have those kids that are readers and have lots to say about books but are not comfortable talking in front of their class.  Here is the Link to the survey.


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