Christmas Crafts

This station was replacement for the duct tape craft station and ended up being just as popular!  We had two different opportunities.  We had a recyled book tree that was popular but we didnt have quite enough time in a block for the kids to be able to finish it.  Some took some of the book pages home with them to work on it at home.  (That is a successful craft!)  Her is the link to the inspiration for this craft. We did end up with quite a few half finished trees that sometimes other students continued on with the tree.

The other one that the students could try was a construction paper wreath.  This one the kids did quickly and almost always successfully.  I attached a qr code to the trifold and put iPads on the table so that they could watch the video tutorial.  They were able to do this one independently and within the time period that we had.  The only downfall I would say was that it felt a little young for our kids but that didn't stop them from doing it.

It was great to see the students so engaged and really, you are never too old to craft and create.


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