We supplied students with an assortment of cardboard and really no instructions. At first, no one was taking the chance on this station. Miss Henry decided to make a creation of her own to encourage the students and give them an idea of what they could do with the Makedo. This helped to inspire the students and we had more and more of them choosing to do this station. The problem with this station however was the saws that come with the Makedo were not very sturdy. In the week that we had this station set up we had 10 saws break. I know some of them were because they students were not using them properly but I 

The problem with this station however was the saws that come with the Makedo were not very sturdy. In the week that we had this station set up we had 10 saws break. I know some of them were because they students were not using them properly but I believe that many of them broke when the students were just cutting the cardboard. The kids created some really cool things and were having fun with the makedos.
We only left this station up for one week for a couple of reasons. The saws were breaking so often about 2 per day that we felt it was getting expensive. The other part of it was that this station was messy, the bits of cardboard that are kicked off as you are sawing the cardboard made a mess.
When I use the Makedo again, I will make sure that the kids have a challenge to complete. The free building left them with too many options and not enough focus. I believe that this may have lead to the saws being broken because they did not have a time limit to complete a task.
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